Wednesday, December 23, 2009

홍어회 무침 - Spicy Vinegrette Skate Fish salad

This is one of my favourite banchan in a korean meal. Banchan is a word used to describe the many side dishes that are served with rice in korean meals. This spicy skate fish banchan is fiercely red in color, and is absolutely delicious with some serious spice and tanginess to it, but with just the right amount of sweetness to make it delicious.

However, even though it is my favouite, I have never tried making it at home, nor even thought about making it myself. I thought it would be difficult to prepare the raw skate fish, so I always bought it from a korean grocery store.

Few days ago, a colleague at work asked me about this dish and whether I had a recipe for it. I had never made it, but I thought I can easily find a recipe online, and translate it for her. So, I found this recipe online, (as indicated by below link of the source) and to my surprise, preparing the raw skate fish seems simple enough.

With the holidays upon us, and lots of free time for myself and my family, I bow to try this recipe before end of the year. And when I do I will blog on how it went. In the meantime, enjoy! Especially to Krysteen.

Below name is the best I could translate the korean name to.

Spicy Vinegreete Skate Fish salad - 홍어회 무침

Skate Fish 400g
Green onion
Pear (half)

Minced garlic 1 tablespoon
Salt 2 teaspoon
vinegar 3 tablespoon
fine chilli powder 4 tablespoon
sesame seeds
ginger juice 1 tablespoon
sugar 3 tablespoon


1. Cut the skatefish into slices and mix with vinegar. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes.

2. Slice pear into thin wedges.
3. Slice turnip into thin wedges. Mix with 1 TB salt, 1TB sugar, 1TB vinegar, and let it sit while you prepare other ingredients.

4. Slice cucumbers into thin slices. Mix with 1TB salt, 1TB sugar, 1TB vinegar and let it sit.
5. Cut green onions and watercress into adequate length.

6. Lightly rinse the skatefish with water. Using cheesecloth (or hands), squeeze the water out of skatefish.
7. Prepare the turnip and cucumber the same way, no rinsing, just squeeze out excess moisture from them.

8. Place all the ingredients in the bowl except watercress and green onion.
9. Mix all the ingredients in the bowl.

10. Add green onions and watercress and lightly mix them again.


from a korean blog ""

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