Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Curried Braised Lamb Shanks with Dried Fruit

30 ml (2 tbsp) olive oil
6 (2 packages of 775 g each) lamb shanks
1 onion, chopped finely
15 g (1 tbsp) all-purpose flour
2 g (½ tsp) ground cumin
1 g (¼ tsp) Cayenne pepper (optional)
750 ml (3 cups) apple juice
2 Cortland apples, quartered
100 g (3 oz) dried apricots
100 g (3 oz) dried prunes
60 g (2 oz) almonds
10 g (1 tbsp) powdered curry
To taste salt
2 sprigs coriander, finely chopped

1) Brown lamb shanks with onion in very hot oil for 5 minutes, stirring (be careful not to burn chopped onions). Sprinkle flour, ground cumin, and Cayenne pepper (if using) and continue stirring. Add apple juice and simmer for about 45 minutes.

2) Add apples, dried fruit, almonds, curry and salt and mix well. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

3) Serve over a bed of Du Puy lentils or flageolets sprinkled with coriander.

6 servings
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 60 minutes

-- From Canadian Living --

Cashew Beef on Skewers


10 lbs bulgoki meat
10 TBSP Fish Sauce
10 TBSP Tamarind Paste
2 Cup Water
10 TBSP Sugar
1/2 cup bottled steak sauce
1/2 cup peanut butter
2 cups (before grinding) roasted cashews
5 tablespoons dark soy sauce

1. Marinate the meat with above ingredients the night before serving
2. Soak the bamboo skewers in water in the morning for few hours
3. Feed the sticks with the marinated meat.
4. Preheat the oven to 375F. Place the meat on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes.
5. Serve hot.

This recipe was created for a party of 20 people. You can cut the amount of ingredients by half or a quarter for serving 10 people, or 5 people.


“비타민이 풍부한 연근은 위염, 위궤양, 십이지장궤양, 입 안의 염증 등에 효과적이에요. 불고기와 함께 넣고 밥을 하면 연근의 아삭한 맛과 어우러져 맛있답니다.”

■ 준·비·재·료
쌀 2½컵, 쇠고기(우둔살) 100g, 불고기양념(간장·청주·참기름 1큰술씩, 다진 파 1작은술, 다진 마늘·물엿·깨소금 ½작은술씩), 연근 ½개, 식초 약간, 양파 ¼개, 당근 ⅓개, 미니채소 적당량, 물 2컵

■ 만·들·기

1 쌀은 씻은 뒤 체에 받쳐 불린다.

2 쇠고기는 먹기 좋은 크기로 자른 뒤 분량의 양념 재료를 넣어 밑간한다.

3 연근은 껍질을 벗기고 식초물에 잠시 담갔다가 둥글게 썬다.

4 양파와 당근은 작고 네모지게 썰고, 미니채소는 찬물에 담갔다 뺀다.

5 불린 쌀과 양념한 쇠고기, 연근, 양파, 당근을 돌솥에 담고 분량의 물을 부어 밥을 짓는다.

6 밥물이 끓으면 불을 중불로 줄이고 뚜껑을 덮은 채 뜸을 들인다.

7 밥이 다 되면 고루 섞어 그릇에 담고 미니채소를 얹는다.

--여성중앙 에서 가지고 온 글--

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Asian sesame dressing

Makes 1/2 cup

1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper

Whisk together all ingredients.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Korean BBQ Rib - Kalbi


2 - 4 lbs of kalbi meat (korean bbq ribs)
1 cup water
1 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoon of garlic
1 teaspoon of ginger
2 tablespoon of sesame oil
1 tablespoon of sesame seed
1/2 cup of chopped up green onions


1. In hot water, melt the sugar, and then add the soy sauce to it.
2. Let above 1 cool down to a room temperature.
3. Mix rest of the marinade ingredients together in the cooled down mixture from 1.
4. When you taste the marinade, it should be a little strong (too salty and too sweet at the same time). This is the perfect concentration, as the meat will add it's own moisture to it, and soften the taste.
5. Mix the meat and the marinade sauce, and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

It's perfectly fine to have extra marinade for the meat when marinating. It won't overpower the taste if you have meat sitting in extra marinade.

If you want to save some marinade sauce, use just enough to soak the meat to the top and save any left over in the fridge or freezer. Saved marinade can be used to marinate the meat later.

Any extras marinated kalbi can be frozen in ziploc bag and kept in the freezer. When ready to eat, defrost it for several hours and then grill it.

Bon appetit!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pumpkin Bread Recipe

Pumpkin Bread Recipe


1 1/2 cups (210g) flour
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 cup (200 g) sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (1/4 L) pumpkin purée*
1/2 cup (1 dL) olive oil
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/2 cup (1 dL) chopped walnuts

* To make pumpkin purée, cut a pumpkin in half, scoop out the seeds and stringy stuff, lie face down on a foil or Silpat lined baking sheet. Bake at 350°F until soft, about 45 min to an hour. Cool, scoop out the flesh. Freeze whatever you don't use for future use. Or, if you are working with pumpkin pieces, roast or boil them until tender, then remove and discard the skin.

1 Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Sift together the flour, salt, sugar, and baking soda.

2 Mix the pumpkin, oil, eggs, 1/4 cup of water, and spices together, then combine with the dry ingredients, but do not mix too thoroughly. Stir in the nuts.

3 Pour into a well-buttered 9x5x3 inch loaf pan. Bake 50-60 minutes until a thin skewer poked in the very center of the loaf comes out clean. Turn out of the pan and let cool on a rack.

Makes one loaf. Can easily double the recipe.

-- from ""